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64 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Lenin ve Felsefe

Althusser, Louis
Lenin ve Felsefe
Louis Althusser 20. yüzyilin ikinci yarisinda Marksist düsüncede önemli etkisi olmus filozoflardan biri. Althusserin Marx ve Lenini yeniden okuma girisimi ve bu sayede Marksizm icinde yasanan krizi asma cabasi uzun yillar etkisini sürdürdü, gerek yapisalciligin gerekse post-yapisalciligin besleyici kanalini olusturdu. Lenin ve Felsefe, Althusserin Lenini yeniden okuma girisiminin bir sonucu ya da felsefeyle birlikte Lenin. Sadece eylem adami, ...

CHF 16.90

Die Krise des Marxismus

Althusser, Louis / Schöttler, Peter / Rieper, Erika
Die Krise des Marxismus
1965 erschienen in Frankreich zwei bahnbrechende Bücher von Louis Althusser: »Für Marx« und »Das Kapital lesen«. Sie waren der Versuch, sich das Marxsche Werk in einer Umbruchzeit neu anzueignen, in der die sozialistisch-kommunistisch geprägten Gesellschaften sich immer tiefer in Widersprüchen verfingen und mit dem ererbten ideologischen Rüstzeug auch keinen Ausweg entwickeln konnten. Die von Althusser mit auf den Weg gebrachte neue Marx-Lektü...

CHF 19.90

What Is to Be Done?

Althusser, Louis / Goshgarian, G M
What Is to Be Done?
What is to be done? This was the question asked by Lenin in 1901 when he was having doubts about the revolutionary capabilities of the Russian working class. 77 years later, Louis Althusser asked the same question. Faced with the tidal wave of May '68 and the recurrent hostility of the Communist Party towards the protests, he wanted to offer readers a succinct guide for the revolution to come. Lively, brilliant and engaged, this short text is ...

CHF 24.90

What is to be Done?

Althusser, Louis / Goshgarian, G. M.
What is to be Done?
What is to be done? This was the question asked by Lenin in 1901 when he was having doubts about the revolutionary capabilities of the Russian working class. 77 years later, Louis Althusser asked the same question. Faced with the tidal wave of May '68 and the recurrent hostility of the Communist Party towards the protests, he wanted to offer readers a succinct guide for the revolution to come. Lively, brilliant and engaged, this short text is ...

CHF 66.00

Was tun?

Althusser, Louis / Precht, Oliver
Was tun?
Als Althusser 1978 die alte, von Kant und Lenin geerbte Frage »Was tun?« aufgriff, war dies für ihn eine sowohl philosophische als auch praktische Frage. Sie führt unmittelbar zu einer »konkreten Analyse der konkreten Situation«, die Althusser im ersten Teil des Buches unternimmt, in dem er das Feld des Klassenkampfes analysiert. Sie führt zu der Frage der Neuorientierung der Kommunistischen Partei und der neuen Herausforderungen einer radikal...

CHF 30.50

History and Imperialism

Althusser, Louis / Goshgarian, G. M.
History and Imperialism
Writings on History brings together a selection of texts by Louis Althusser dating from 1963 to 1986, including essays, a lecture, notes to his collaborators, and the transcript of an informal 1963 discussion of literary history. The centrepiece of this collection is Althusser's previously unpublished Book on Imperialism, a theorization of globalized capitalism that remained unfinished. All these writings are concerned with the place of histor...

CHF 88.00

History and Imperialism

Althusser, Louis / Goshgarian, G. M.
History and Imperialism
Writings on History brings together a selection of texts by Louis Althusser dating from 1963 to 1986, including essays, a lecture, notes to his collaborators, and the transcript of an informal 1963 discussion of literary history. The centrepiece of this collection is Althusser's previously unpublished Book on Imperialism, a theorization of globalized capitalism that remained unfinished. All these writings are concerned with the place of histor...

CHF 31.50

Philosophie und Marxismus

Althusser, Louis
Philosophie und Marxismus
Wenige Jahre vor Louis Althussers Tod führte die mexikanische Philosophin Fernanda Navarro ein Interview mit dem marxistischen Philosophen, das als Gesamtschau auf seine theoretische und politische Arbeit gelten kann. Bei dem in dieser Form bisher nur in Mexiko erschienenen Text handelt es sich um die letzte von Althusser selbst autorisierte Veröffentlichung.In Philosophie und Marxismus bringt Althusser seine zentralen Themen zur Sprache: das ...

CHF 23.90

Filozof Olmayanlar Icin Felsefeye Giris

Althusser, Louis
Filozof Olmayanlar Icin Felsefeye Giris
Felsefenin, daha genel anlamiyla düsünmenin yalnizca felsefecilere ya da entelektüellere birakilamayacak kadar ciddi bir is, bir mücadele alani olduguna inanan Althusser, meslekten felsefeci olmayanlar icin bir elkitabi yazmayi cok uzun zaman düsünmüstü. Iste Filozof Olmayanlar Icin Felsefeye Giris bu ugrasin bir neticesidir. Fikirlerini hayranlik uyandiran carpici bir netlikle dile getirir Althusser. Esas itibariyla materyalist felsefenin tem...

CHF 22.50

Felsefede Marksist Olmak

Althusser, Louis
Felsefede Marksist Olmak
Felsefe hicbir sekilde masum degildir. Bütün bu parlak ve ince düsüncelerin ufkunda beliren dünyasi, onun reel dünyasi, insanlarin ve kavgalarinin dünyasidir sinif mücadelesinin dünyasi.Felsefede Marksist Olmak, Althusserin 1975te kaleme aldigi 26 kisa bölümden ve Jean-Francois Revelin polemik tarzi bir metnine cevaben yazdigi ek bir parcadan olusuyor. Basligin da yansittigi üzere, tartismanin merkezinde felsefe ile Marksizm arasindaki iliski ...

CHF 22.50

Lessons on Rousseau

Althusser, Louis
Lessons on Rousseau
Althusser delivered these lectures on Rousseau's Discourse on the Origins of Inequality at the École normale supérieure in Paris in 1972. They are fascinating for two reasons. First, they gave rise to a new generation of Rousseau scholars, attentive not just to Rousseau's ideas, but also to those of his concepts that were buried beneath metaphors or fictional situations and characters. Second, we are now discovering that the "late Althusser's?...

CHF 26.90

Lessons on Rousseau

Althusser, Louis
Lessons on Rousseau
Althusser delivered these lectures on Rousseau's Discourse on the Origins of Inequality at the ...cole normale supérieure in Paris in 1972. They are fascinating for two reasons. First, they gave rise to a new generation of Rousseau scholars, attentive not just to Rousseau's ideas, but also to those of his concepts that were buried beneath metaphors or fictional situations and characters. A new way of coming to terms with Rousseau's theoretical...

CHF 115.00

Kapitali Okumak

Althusser, Louis / Macherey, Pierre / Establet, Roger / Ranciere, Jacques / Balibar, Etienne
Kapitali Okumak
Kapitali Okumak, yayinlandigi yil olan 1965ten bugüne, hakim Marx ve Kapital okumalarinda önemli bir yarik olusturmus ve egemen Hegelci-tarihselci okumadan bir kopusu mümkün kilmistir. Louis Althusserin ögrencileriyle birlikte 1964-65 yillarinda cole Normale Supérieurede hazirlayip gerceklestirdigi bu seminerler, sonrasinda kitaplastirilmistir. Hümanizmin özne kategorisine derinden elestiriler getiren ve Marxin yapitlarinin, bütün insan biliml...

CHF 48.90

Sul materialismo aleatorio

Althusser, Louis / Morfino, V. / Pinzolo, L.
Sul materialismo aleatorio
Il volume raccoglie tutti gli scritti finora editi in Francia dell'ultimo Althusser. In essi l'autore riprende i temi teoricamente più significativi delle grandi opere degli anni '60, "Leggere il Capitale" e "Per Marx". Tuttavia se in quegli ultimi anni Althusser ha insistito sul carattere della complessità della struttura, egli dedicherà l'ultima fase della sua riflessione ad un'investigazione più dettagliata degli inizi e della genesi di una...

CHF 29.50